Graphic art, Philosophy and Bilingualism as a result of research at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Humanities
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Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones, Innovación y Extensión Facultad: Bellas Artes y Humanidades
Año de publicación: 2022
Línea Editorial: Libro de Investigación
This book Graphic art, Philosophy and Bilingualism as a result of research at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Humanities is a bet that the school of fine arts and humanities has established in order to consolidate a scenario where the research studies from the faculty are shared. This initiative started two years ago, with the creation of the event of socialization of research studies conducted by the members of the programs. This space appeared with the necessity of knowing what all the disciplines are building, and the results have been potentially published in the sense of a book with different chapters. Each chapter reports the studies that have presented in each event, which has three publications currently. In this occasion, the book is written in English as an opportunity to spread research groups production widely. This edition includes three chapters from bilingualism, philosophy and visual arts disciplines. The first chapter seeks to report a research study based on a teaching implementation in two state schools in Pereira, Colombia. This intervention has been proposed by the use of bilingual pedagogies that are part of dynamic bilingual education such translanguaging, CLIL, among others. The study reports the results of the teaching practices and the impact in students bilingual process.
e-ISBN: 978-958-722-834-2
Número de páginas: 69
URL: https://hdl.handle.net/11059/14652
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22517/9789587228342