La Investigación, Innovación y Extensión al servicio de la sociedad, en el marco de la Sexta Jornada de Apropiación Social del Conocimiento
Autores Varios
Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones, Innovación y Extensión
Año de publicación: 2021
Línea editorial: Libro de investigación
Annually, the Technological University of Pereira has been carrying out some events in the line
of Social Appropriation of Knowledge. This has been done through the research, innovation,
and extension Vice Rectory, moreover, these sessions are framed within the institutional
objective: “Define and direct the guidelines for the institutional research that strengthen the
research groups and the Seedbeds, through the formation of researchers, the development of
science, technology, and innovation projects or programs, as well as the generation of
networks and strategic partnerships that contribute to the creation and appropriation of
knowledge for the society”.
URL: https://hdl.handle.net/11059/14165
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22517/9789587225747
e-ISBN: 978-958-722-574-7
Número de páginas: 186